Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Family Flooring 'Fun'

A little blood, a lot of sweat, a few choice words, thankfully no tears  AANNDDDD....WE'VE GOT NEW FLOORS! Holy guacamole, I think I can see the house starting to take shape! 

It's been an endless list of choices since we started this process 3 weeks ago and for the first time we can see some major changes taking place...and trust me people, change is a GOOD. THING. Are you ready for this?....

Aren't they great!?  Joe's parents Perry and Kandi came to help us this past weekend and thank God for them.  The hubster and my father-in-law are the most talented non-professional floor layers this side of the Mississippi.  I am beyond impressed.

As much as I would love to tell you that it was all smooth sailing, that is not EXACTLY the case.  *backstory* The biggest problem we knew we would be facing was the radiators pipes that we would have to puzzle-piece around, and of course the very first piece that had to be laid had...you'll never guess...a pipe in it.

It took literally two hours to get the first row down, but they got it and eventually found a pretty good rhythm and 21 hours later we've got gorgeous floors.

While Joe and Perry were laying our floor, Kandi and I primed and primed and primed some more to get rid of the awful country rust orange color that was plaguing the living room and entryway and staircase.  Even though this is just the primer, look how much brighter and more open the space looks. Love, love, love.
I have much better pictures on my camera they are locked in my camera until my new card reader shows up...so sorry :(  Once that shows up, I'll add them so you can bask in the awesomeness that is our new flooring with me.  It will be epic... promise.
yeah, yeah, spelling error

Until next time,
NoDak Newlyweds

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